isTest is an Ltd with its headquarter in Romanshorn, Switzerland. The partners are Andreas Brunnschweiler and Jürg Widrig.
Andreas Brunnschweiler was a teacher for mathematics, physics and computer science. As a freelancer he wrote programs for industry and administration.
Jürg Widrig is a teacher of German, history and computer science at the Cantonal School of Romanshorn, and ICT course instructor at the University of Zurich, PH Zurich and PH Bern.
Maria Widrigis a teacher of Spanish at the Cantonal School for Adults in Zurich, ICT course instructor at the University of Zurich, in the Digital Learning Hub Sek II team of the canton of Zurich and DELE and SIELE head examiner at the Cantonal School in Romanshorn.
History of origins
In 2012, Andreas Brunnschweiler and Jürg Widrig founded isTest together as a sole proprietorship. The version 2 of the program was introduced in summer 2019. In autumn 2020 the sole proprietorship was converted into a limited liability company.